Cooperative Learning & Science
High School Activities
Michael Michels, Angela Manzi & Janina Mele (Secondary)
Learning becomes fun using 7 Kagan Structures designed to encourage cooperation and active engagement.
Loaded with activity ideas and blackline masters.
Promotes teamwork, communication, and thinking in and about science.
Spans multiple Secondary Science classes: Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, and Physical Science.
High School Activities
Michael Michels, Angela Manzi & Janina Mele (Secondary)
Learning becomes fun using 7 Kagan Structures designed to encourage cooperation and active engagement.
Loaded with activity ideas and blackline masters.
Promotes teamwork, communication, and thinking in and about science.
Spans multiple Secondary Science classes: Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, and Physical Science.
High School Activities
Michael Michels, Angela Manzi & Janina Mele (Secondary)
Learning becomes fun using 7 Kagan Structures designed to encourage cooperation and active engagement.
Loaded with activity ideas and blackline masters.
Promotes teamwork, communication, and thinking in and about science.
Spans multiple Secondary Science classes: Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, and Physical Science.
Cooperative Learning & Science
High School Activities
Michael Michels, Angela Manzi & Janina Mele (Secondary)
Learning science content has never been so fun and interactive.
This book features Kagan Cooperative Learning Structures such as: Find Someone Who, Pairs Check, Corners, Mix-N-Match, Word-Webbing, and GiveOne–GetOne to make science learning motivating and memorable.
You'll find loads of age-appropriate activity ideas and ready-to-use blackline masters for each of the following science classes: Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Physical Science, and General and Lab Science.
Your secondary science class will be humming with excitement and interest. 280 pages. BSF