Shared Practice - Shared Language - Shared Pedagogy

The New Zealand Curriculum and Kagan

Kagan Cooperative Learning is able to deliver many aspects of the NZC - without any other programmes or interventions.

Once teachers have trained in Kagan, they can see the difference between Kagan and other forms of cooperative learning which often allow students to hide, withdraw, and not participate. Cooperative learning is well-researched as an extremely effective pedagogical approach, and is highly recommended for Māori and Pacifica students.

Follow the links to see in more detail how Kagan is the perfect vehicle to deliver the NZC:


“…children aren’t born to learn in ways we want them to. Our brain is primarily a social machine and learns by watching, imitating and interacting.”

Hattie, J. & Yates, G. (2014). Visible Learning and the Science of How We Learn. London: Routledge

Tuakana Teina and Ako are embedded in Kagan Structures, with strong links between Kagan and Teaching to the North-East (Dr Russell Bishop), and Dr Angus MacFarlane’s Educultural Wheel.

Kagan is the ‘how’ for implementing effective relational pedagogy in line with their philosophies. And, cooperative learning is their key pedagogical approach!

Helping extraordinary teachers

Grow extraordinary people

Our Services

  • 1. Consultation & Planning

    • Needs Analysis

    • PLD Plan & Schedule

    • Implementation

    • Assessment

  • 2. Training & Workshops

    • Staff Intro

    • First training/workshop

    • Evaluation & Feedback

    • Workshop Follow-Up

  • 3. Coaching & Support

    • In-Class Modelling

    • Set Up Coaching

    • In-Class Coaching

    • Trend Feedback

  • 4. Impact & Next Steps

    • Data Gathering

    • Analysis

    • Summary

    • Forward Planning

  • “When teachers are effective in structuring group membership and tasks, and in training students in collaborative skills, the evidence shows positive gains in academic, social and attitudinal outcomes”

    -Quality Teaching for Diverse Learners in Schooling, BES., p.64

  • “As a Beginning Teacher, I have found the Kagan Cooperative Learning structures and strategies invaluable. Kagan was an integral part of my classroom set up and gave me the skills to manage behaviour positively. The children want to learn because they find class fun and exciting. The detailed and step by step training gave me the confidence to teach in all areas cooperatively. ”


  • “…they need to be teaching this at teacher training as it makes everything so easy...”

    -B. Jones, Music Teacher, Manawatu

  • “Teaching includes specific training in collaborative group work...and students demonstrate effective co-operative and social skills that enable group processes to facilitate learning for all participants.”

    — Quality Teaching for Diverse Students in Schooling, BES., Appendix D

  • “Kagan really came out positively in the IEPs we just did, because our non-verbal ORS funded children had made such gains.”

    -T. Mackay, DP, Auckland

  • "Pedagogies built on these concepts are collaborative and reciprocal. Māori students benefit from a cooperative learning environment, and being able to discuss things with their peers in smaller groups facilitates Māori students’ learning"
